Cohabiting Couples Beware

A lady who has recently sued her ex partner claiming a half share in his £500,000 house has had her claimed rejected by the court. The parties were not married and were not engaged but had been together for over 2 years.

The lady claimed that she and her family has spent 2 years renovating the property and getting it into a good state of repair so that she and her boyfriend could live there together. This was not denied by the boyfriend and he accepted that she had done the work and that they were going to live there. The parties did live in the property together for 4 months until they separated. The boyfriend had paid for the property and it was registered in his sole name. The lady claimed that the boyfriend had said at a family dinner that she could have half of the property but this was rejected by the court.

The lady claimed that she was sure that she was doing the property up so that they could live there and that marriage was on the horizon. The lady saw the house as the family home where they would start engaged/married life together. At no point did the boyfriend propose to his girlfriend and the family’s hard work on the property was not given on the basis that the lady would become entitled to an interest in the property.

The court did not accept the suggestion that the boyfriend had deceived the parties to obtain free work on his property and rejected the ladies claim.

This case highlights the difficulties and confusion that can arise regarding property and ownership. It is for this reason that it is important to obtain advice upon this area as home owner or cohabite.

If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact me on either  or on 07443 524453